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I Improve My Life Every Week With This

Hey there! I'm back for another edition of Taylor Talks. The gist of this post is about your life and how you can do a few simple things to improve it. Life is hard and it's good to acknowledge that no one's life is easy. (Mine certainly hasn't been easy since I was told I'd only have 3 months to live at the age of 13 years old...yikes. Read here.)

I've always felt that the best knowledge comes from learning from other's experiences (as well as your own). With that being said, this series will be all about sharing my positive approach to life to help you overcome whatever life throws at you. Dealing with chronic illnesses, dating, social situations, stress, sexuality, kids/teenagers, mental health, physical health, and so much more will be covered in this series. So here we go. Let's talk about life. After all, that's what I'm here for.

How I Improve My Life Every Week

I pay pretty close attention to my body and the food that I put inside of it each day. I'm sure you do too with whatever food restriction that you have. Food is important to our bodies and how we feel each day. With that being said, there is so much more to our bodies that requires self-care every week.

Mental health and physical health are just as important as what you eat to feel your best. If you workout or stay active then that's great! But how often do you take time to hit the pause button and breathe? As in truly pausing in this crazy life that we live to reflect on the life that you have.

Take a look around you. Ask yourself, "What makes me happy in your life? What makes me sad? What can I work on to make yourself happier?" This is something that I do once or twice a week to constantly work on my happiness.

Whether you're old or young, I believe we should always take time to work on ourselves every week. Going to the park or doing yoga can make it easier to have this time to reflect. But if this type of stuff isn't for you, that's fine! Either way, I've truly found that it can be pretty easy to add happiness to your life by taking it into your own hands.

Here's How to Do It

Here's some homework for you. Take 5 minutes a week (yes, just 5 minutes) to make a 3 question list to help.

What makes me happy in my life right now?

What's one thing that makes me sad in my life right now? (be honest with one else has to see this)

What's one realistic thing I will do this week to improve this "sad" part of my life?

Reflect on your life and answer each of these questions truthfully. Keep in mind that no one has to see this list. This activity is for you and you only. You want to be as honest as possible otherwise this self-improvement activity won't work.

Picture from my trip to Garden of the Gods National Park

Need some inspiration? Here's an actual list of mine that I used for this 5 minute self-improvement activity.

What makes me happy in my life right now?

"My career, my living situation, and my relationship with my girlfriend, family, and parents."

What's one thing that makes me sad in my life right now?

"I don't have very many local friends to hang out with and could definitely use some more."

What's one realistic thing I will do this week to improve this "sad" part of my life?

"I will sign up for a sports club at my college to potentially meet more people to make friends my own age."

After moving to Ohio, I realized that it was very hard for me to make friends without going to college. I was sad about this part of my life and had to acknowledge that it wasn't going to get better unless I did something to improve it on my own. Once I was honest with myself, I got out of my comfort zone to actually improve this area of my life to make myself happy. I made myself sign up for a club to meet new people which was the first step. After that, it was all up to me to socialize and make this area of my life better. As you can see, this activity is great for helping you start your self-improvement but you still have to take the actions to improve yourself.

Do this activity once a week or even once a month to start. It takes just 5 minutes and can allow for you to make an effort at adding more happiness to your life. Your life will never be perfect. It's pointless to ever try and make it perfect. However, you can do this simple activity to improve areas of your life that may require some extra motivation to help.

At the end of the day your life is in your hands. You have the ability to improve it however you wish. Since doing this on a weekly basis, it's allowed for me to truly grow and overcome struggles that I've dealt with. Making friends, overcoming chronic illnesses, and so much more. With that being said, take some time to reflect on the wonderful life that you have and see if you can do some things to make it even better. I hope this activity helps!

About Me
Photo May 14, 12 00 51 PM.jpg

I'm Taylor, a gluten-free guy with Celiac Disease, POTS, and a rare type of Adrenal Disorder. I overcame a lot during my teenage years and I'm on a journey to get the best out of my health (mentally and physically). Whether you're here for chronic illnesses or mental health; my goal is to share my story to help anyone feel happy & healthy in life. Read more...

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